We are just a month into the new year and many people are abandoning their workout plans and stressing about their financial plans with the stock market crash. But what are we doing about our sexual lives?
People are in a lot of pain about their sexuality. I talk to people all the time about what is churning inside and how deeply they want to feel more pleasure and ecstasy, how they want to show up with full desire, how they want to enjoy sex and their bodies, and how they want to feel loved and connected.
Abraham Maslow included sex in the foundational physiological needs in his human Hierarchy of Needs. He knew how fundamental it was. When we look at sexuality from a macro perspective, we realize it is foundational to all aspects of who we are and how we show up in the world. Sexual energy is creative energy. Our sexual juice or fire fuels everything we do. We are here to create something. All of us. We might want to
make art, music or family. We might want to make an oil company that exploits the earth’s resources. We might want to create a community of people who come together in a common cause. We might want to make destruction. One thing is sure, humans are driven to create something in this world.
When a person gets disconnected from creation, and does not have something they feel passionate about developing or contributing to, they can loose their joy, their gusto, their drive to get up every day. Mojo gone.
That’s because creation is part of our lifeblood.
Sexuality fuels all of life.
They are inextricably linked.
Creating is one part, and using our voices to amplify what we create is another. That takes courage, confidence and commitment.
Without desire, we have nothing to create.
Without creation, we have no will to keep participating in life.
Without our voices, we have no way to move our creations into the world and to connect with others.In our sexuality we harness all of these things. We connect deeply to our own desires for creation, growth and new life. We experience the deep joy and passion of our creative impulse, which makes us feel complete as human beings.
Since we are often wounded in our sexuality, we experience how our sexual wounds seep into our desire, our experience of sex and intimacy and our very vibrancy.
When we have things that need to be healed sexually they will tug and pull at us until we do that work. They will continue to pop up, sometimes in insidious ways, or ways we do not expect until they are recognized, honored and healed.
Sexuality is a force within you that begs to be expressed, experienced, nourished and multiplied. Not in a, just have more sex, kind of way, but in a vibrantly alive, passionate, fulfilled, pleasure-filled way.
Sexuality is core to our very freedom. It drives us towards our greatest liberation.
I’m going to teach about these concepts this month because they are deep, they are life-changing and life-fulfilling and they are part of our deep human needs.
We will talk about the 5 stages of sexual evolution, sexual self-actualization and how to use the power of your desire, voice and sexual energy to live your life more creatively, powerfully and passionately.
I’ll see you there.
With love,