Bringing Sexy Back
Discover How To Revitalize Your Sex Life And Put Passion, Intimacy, And Excitement Back Into Your Relationship!
- Tap Into Your Deepest Desires
- Become More Intimate With Your Lovers
- Expand Your Sexual Horizons
Without Spending Thousands Of Dollars Sitting On A Therapist’s Couch
Is Your Sex Life Stuck In A Passionless Rut You Can’t Escape From?
Doing the do. Loving you up. Sexy Time. Sex baby…
Whatever you want to call it, It’s one of the most important parts of a healthy, deep, and satisfying relationship.
And yet most people feel like they can’t touch the topic with a 10-ft pole.
Picture the scene:
- a couple are laying in bed together in their underwear…
- One is scrolling through their phone, the other is absorbed in a new book.
Sounds like a pretty content relationship, right?
Under the surface, something completely different is happening.
They’re both dying for the other to make a move, to initiate a session of deep and passionate pleasure.
But somewhere along the line, a tension-filled disconnect has arisen in their sex life.
Doing the do. Loving you up. Sexy Time. Sex baby…
Whatever you want to call it, It’s one of the most important parts of a healthy, deep, and satisfying relationship.
And yet most people feel like they can’t touch the topic with a 10-ft pole.
Picture the scene: a couple are laying in bed together in their underwear…
One is scrolling through their phone, the other is absorbed in a new book.
Sounds like a pretty content relationship, right?
Under the surface, something completely different is happening.
They’re both dying for the other to make a move, to initiate a session of deep and passionate pleasure.
But somewhere along the line, a tension-filled disconnect has arisen in their sex life.
They both have desires, needs, and fantasies.
But when it comes time to say what they need from their partner, they clam up and freeze.
The words get stuck in a ball in their throats and nothing comes out.
They just roll over in bed and say “good night”, and neither of them gets the satisfaction and moment of intimacy they were longing for.
These situations are so frustrating, because your partner can be your best friend, your rock, the person who cares for you and protects you most in the world…
But when it comes to sex, you can find yourself stuck in the familiar and tired roles.
I’ve heard this story more times than I can remember…
The couples whose sexual fires have fizzled into ashes, with barely an ember left to reignite the old flame.
They both have desires, needs, and fantasies.
But when it comes time to say what they need from their partner, they clam up and freeze.
The words get stuck in a ball in their throats and nothing comes out.
They just roll over in bed and say “good night”, and neither of them gets the satisfaction and moment of intimacy they were longing for.
These situations are so frustrating, because your partner can be your best friend, your rock, the person who cares for you and protects you most in the world…
But when it comes to sex, you can find yourself stuck in the familiar and tired roles.
I’ve heard this story more times than I can remember…
The couples whose sexual fires have fizzled into ashes, with barely an ember left to reignite the old flame.
And it’s not just couples who have been married for decades that have to watch for this…
Even newer relationships can get themselves wrapped up in a passionless bind.
The worst part is, when intimacy starts to lack, it’s not only confined to the bedroom.
It ripples out into all aspects of your relationship.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the couple in the scene from above woke up in the morning and went about their days without so much as a kiss or moment of connection over breakfast…
If they do communicate during the day, it’s likely just a dry and cold text message…
And when they get home, they squabble over trivial issues that get blown out of proportion.
What starts as a disconnect between the sheets can escalate into long, tension-filled silences that stretch for days, a total lack of excitement in the time you spend together, and a looming resentment that turns small cracks in your relationship into giant aching canyons.
Sometimes you lose all sight of where the disconnect first reared its head, but deep down the real issue is lurking just below the surface…
You’re just not getting the pleasure, electricity, and satisfaction you need in the bedroom, and the lack of intimacy and romance in your relationship makes it feel like you’re more roommates than lovers.
If you can relate to what I’m talking about here, I know exactly how you feel (yes, even professional sex coaches need their fire reignited from time to time)!
If you’re in a relationship with someone you truly love and cherish, but you’re left asking yourself “Is this all there is?” it can be a very lonely place.
But take it from someone who has worked with thousands of couples and individuals – you are not alone.
On this page, I’m going to show you how any couple can put passion, juiciness, hotness, and pleasure back into their relationship…
Whether you’ve been dating for months, or you’re decades deep into a marriage with children (or even grandchildren) to boot…
The techniques and tips I’m about to share with you run deeper than the boundaries of age, gender, sexual orientation, or relationship style.
They’re so fundamental to our core emotional and sexual drives as human beings, I 100% believe they can make any couple or individual feel sexier, hotter, and more in touch with their deepest and most authentic desires.
I’m going to help turn your sex life from drab, gray, and cold, to red-hot, explosive, and full of juicy wet passion.
But before I get into that, let me tell you a little about myself…
Hey there!
My name is A’magine, and I’ve worked as a sexual empowerment coach and educator for over 25 years.
I’ve earned a Master’s degree in Human Sexuality Education at New York University, and have coached thousands of couples and individuals from every race, religion, and orientation imaginable.
Nothing brings me more joy than leading people to connect with their deepest sexual desires, reach levels of pleasure and intimacy they thought were entirely closed off, and rekindle relationships that were hanging by their last thread.
Working with such a diverse range of clients over the last two decades (as well as my own personal journey toward sexual liberation and empowerment) has taught one fundamental lesson about human beings:
When we’re not sexually connected to ourselves and our partners, our relationships (and entire lives) will suffer.
This disconnect can make it feel like a crucial part of ourselves is missing, even if we can’t name or put words to exactly what it is we’re missing out on.
It can make us feel like we’re totally alone in this world, like there’s this amazing vibrant part of life we simply don’t have access to.
We all want to feel closer to our partners – to have more intimacy and vulnerability, to expose ourselves (literally and figuratively) with no shame, to go on adventures, laugh together, and be more playful and harmonious…
But with this basic sexual human need left unfulfilled, it can create tension and misalignment that makes happily co-existing so much harder.
This is what we’re here today to solve.
This disconnect can make it feel like a crucial part of ourselves is missing, even if we can’t name or put words to exactly what it is we’re missing out on.
It can make us feel like we’re totally alone in this world, like there’s this amazing vibrant part of life we simply don’t have access to.
We all want to feel closer to our partners – to have more intimacy and vulnerability, to expose ourselves (literally and figuratively) with no shame, to go on adventures, laugh together, and be more playful and harmonious…
But with this basic sexual human need left unfulfilled, it can create tension and misalignment that makes happily co-existing so much harder.
This is what we’re here today to solve.
It’s Time To Rewrite Your Inner Sexual Story
Here’s the problem:
So many of us aren’t given proper sexuality education.
Most of what we’re taught in school is that sex is purely biological, with pleasure, satisfaction, romance, and intimacy not even part of the conversation.
As adults, we’re left to figure the rest out for ourselves – with our biggest cues coming from the unrealistic standards of Hollywood and porn.
If you’re anything like me, your inner story around your body, sexuality, and desires, probably started way before you even knew what sex was…
It might be a surprise to hear, but I grew up totally in the dark when it came to the world of sexuality – right up until my freshman year of college.
My dad was in the military, and raised me and my siblings as a single parent.
My mom was a “recovering” Catholic and carried her own baggage of religious shame and repression around sex.
So for most of my childhood and teenage life, no adult ever talked to me about sex
I certainly had not had a conversation with myself about sex – what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it, or with whom.
There was no internet in those days, no Googling to find answers.
I hadn’t had a single adult, informed conversation about sex until I went to college – despite multiple premature sexual encounters as a young teen.
Frankly, I didn’t even know there was a conversation to be had.
It wasn’t until my freshman year at college, when I heard there was an entire class dedicated to sex.
My dad was in the military, and raised me and my siblings as a single parent.
My mom was a “recovering” Catholic and carried her own baggage of religious shame and repression around sex.
So for most of my childhood and teenage life, no adult ever talked to me about sex
I certainly had not had a conversation with myself about sex – what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it, or with whom.
There was no internet in those days, no Googling to find answers.
I hadn’t had a single adult, informed conversation about sex until I went to college – despite multiple premature sexual encounters as a young teen.
Frankly, I didn’t even know there was a conversation to be had.
It wasn’t until my freshman year at college, when I heard there was an entire class dedicated to sex.

“My Sexuality Was Blown Wide Open”
“My Sexuality Was Blown Wide Open”

It’s no exaggeration to say my life changed forever when the lecturers actually encouraged me to become familiar with my genitals and learn how to pleasure myself…
Heck, they even assigned it as homework!
As a first-year student, a whole world began to open up for me
It was the most empowering thing I’d ever done.
It was a complete game changer for my confidence in knowing myself and having good sexual relationships – just that one class.
It showed me how to have an orgasm – because like many of the people I work with, I still hadn’t figured out that part of my body.
And it allowed me to be who I truly wanted to be – not just between the sheets, but in every aspect of my new expansive sexuality.
From that moment, I knew I wanted to work to empower people in their sexuality the same way I had been empowered…
To help people just like me have better and healthier sex, forge deeper and more meaningful relationships, and tap into this raw energy that so many people kept tucked away inside them.
And it allowed me to be who I truly wanted to be – not just between the sheets, but in every aspect of my new expansive sexuality.
From that moment, I knew I wanted to work to empower people in their sexuality the same way I had been empowered…
To help people just like me have better and healthier sex, forge deeper and more meaningful relationships, and tap into this raw energy that so many people kept tucked away inside them.
Even after 25 years in this industry, I hear the same story from couples and individuals alike:
“I want us to have more tenderness and exploration.”
“I want us to focus more on each other and to put some of the passion back into our marriage.”
“I want to be seen, heard, and touched in this relationship like I used to be.”
“I want to feel more alive, I want to feel more vitality in my body.”
“I want more frequency, variety, and passion in the bedroom.”
And most of all:
“I just want us to be closer and more connected.”
Most people assume that sex is something we should just inherently know by instinct.
And yes, there is a tiny grain of truth there, but there is so much more that we can discover with the right guidance.
Would you assume that you could walk onto a soccer field with no knowledge of the game, never having worked with the ball or not communicating with any of the other players and play an amazing game of soccer?
Yes, you already know how to swing your leg at a ball, but the right coach could show you techniques and tactics you never knew existed.
This is what I’m here to show you.
It’s why I put everything I know about creating stronger relationships, fostering healthier sexual connections, and tapping into your inner desires into one easy-to-follow course.
Bringing Sexy Back
How To Recharge Your Sexual Energy & Revitalize Your Sex Life
This program is the result of decades of work helping people get in touch with their deepest sexual desires, overcome years of social, institutional, and personal repression, and re-write their inner sexual stories.
It’s broken down into 5 sessions that deep dive into the core of what makes us feel turned on and connected with our partner.
The sessions are designed be consumed one a week – giving you a chance to implement the strategies and techniques inside and work on the sexy “Homeplay” assignments in between.
It includes tons of actionable steps you can start taking right away to recharge your sex life.
At its core, it has one clear purpose:
To help you have more connected, pleasurable, and fulfilling sex.
But the reality is, it goes much deeper than just sex.
See, when people come to me for guidance, the physical act of sex and love-making is only the tip of the iceberg.
A lack-lustre sex life might be the symptom they’re displaying, but the root causes and the ripple effect they have on any person’s life often run so much deeper.
If you’ve ever felt like you wanted:
A deeper emotional, physical, and spiritual connection with your lovers or partner
More ease in your body to give and receive pleasure
To rekindle the romance and intimacy that once existed in your relationship
New sexual experiences in the bedroom – and the tools to ask for them
A way to get out of your “routine” or stale sexual patterns and habits
To feel more connected and on the same page as your partner, in the bedroom and outside of it
If you’ve ever felt like you wanted:
A deeper emotional, physical, and spiritual connection with your lovers or partner
More ease in your body to give and receive pleasure
To rekindle the romance and intimacy that once existed in your relationship
New sexual experiences in the bedroom – and the tools to ask for them
A way to get out of your “routine” or stale sexual patterns and habits
To feel more connected and on the same page as your partner, in the bedroom and outside of it
Then Bringing Sexy Back is for you.
My goal in this program is to help you have more pleasure, better sex and deeper intimacy in your relationship, and be more in touch with your own sexual power and fulfilment.
I want to help you be more connected to your partners and work towards a sexual win-win – where nobody loses and everybody gains!
Because here’s the thing…
It’s my experience (and I’ve seen these over and over again in literally thousands of my past clients)…
Once you rekindle your sexiness within yourself and ideally, with your partner, and discover the tools for maintaining a better sexual life, so many aspects of life will improve.
It’s my hope that by the end of this course, not only will you have a juicy, hotter, and more satisfying sexual relationship, but you’ll also experience:
- Better relationships with your colleagues, family, and friends
- Improved communication skills across the board
- Higher self-confidence and less hangups about your body image
- More connection and presence with your authentic self
- A deeper connection to God/Spirit/Cosmos/Universe/Creator
- Greater satisfaction at work or progress as an entrepreneur
- Higher feeling of self-worth (ease charging your true value and earning more money)
- More comfort in your body and freedom to effortlessly express your sexual self
- Motivation to work out, eat healthier, and look after your body temple
- A desire to explore more and step out of your comfort zone (in the wider world as well as the bedroom)
- Better relationships with your colleagues, family, and friends
- Improved communication skills across the board
- Higher self-confidence and less hangups about your body image
- More connection and presence with your authentic self
- A deeper connection to God/Spirit/Cosmos/Universe/Creator
- Greater satisfaction at work or progress as an entrepreneur
- Higher feeling of self-worth (ease charging your true value and earning more money)
- More comfort in your body and freedom to effortlessly express your sexual self
- Motivation to work out, eat healthier, and look after your body temple
- A desire to explore more and step out of your comfort zone (in the wider world as well as the bedroom)
The list goes on – it can literally improve your entire life.
This is why I’m so excited to bring you these 5 modules that are going to rekindle your sex life for good.
Module 1 – Tending To Your Sexual Ecosystem
- Revealing the 10 core elements of a healthy sexual ecosystem (and what you need to address right NOW in order to improve your intimate life and revitalize your relationships)
- Unlock the 5 Key Steps To Bringing YOUR Sexy Back – following these steps will get you in the right emotional frame to finally enjoy more intimate moments
- Discover how to identify and address the parts of your sexual relationships that are preventing you from having the sex you need (and how to work on these with your partner to find a common ground)
Module 2 – Understanding The Dynamics Of Desire
- Revealing a simple framework that gives you permission to embrace your desires with zero shame to transform your sex life from dull to full of spice and exploration
- Unpicking the inner programming that affects how you think about sex and get in touch with your true inner desires (to enjoy a more authentic sexual experience)
- Discover the 4 Couples Desire Dynamics that are at play in every relationship and identify how you and your partner can bring more balance and harmony into your relationships
Module 3 – Effectively Communicating Your Sexual Needs
- Unleash your inner sexual voice and finally speak your inner desires to bring you and your partner to a common ground of authenticity, honesty, and exploration
- Use my Bedroom Ice-Breakers to express (and get) what you want in a way that defuses conflict and creates new and exciting sexual adventures
- Discover how the right language can increase the heat between the sheets and build up sexual energy and chemistry to create satisfying and pleasurable sexual encounters
Module 4 – Identifying Your Common Sexual Drains
- Becoming aware of the sexual and romantic drains at work in your relationship and how they affect your emotionally – to stop the leaks and recharge your energy, passion, and intimacy
- Discover the 23 most common sexual drains (couples who work towards eliminating just a handful of these increase the frequency and quality of their sex life within weeks)
- Use ancient techniques that channel and feed your sexual energy to multiply the pleasure in your life and create an unstoppable sexual momentum in your relationships!
Module 5 – The Art of the Ask: Getting What You Want In The Bedroom
- Discover how to get what you want in the bedroom with sensitivity and compassion for yourself and your partner (and how to lovingly navigate tricky conversations when they are not quite ready to accept your requests.
- Breaking out of the unsexy “Gatekeeper vs Pursuer” dynamic to create a two-way relationship where both sides have their deepest needs met (sharing the initiation and creating fluidity in your sex life)
- Using my 5-point “Art Of The Ask” Framework to open juicy sexual conversations that defuse conflict and avoid misunderstanding before they even arise (automatically creating an intimacy and shared vulnerability that brings you closer together)
Bonus Module – Actively Engaging & Maintaining Your Sexiness
- Sharing my top tips that keep your flame burning to create lasting vulnerability and connection with each other – ensuring that regular and juicy sexual connection becomes a lasting priority!
- Discover my ‘Sex Life Improvement Inventory’ – 6 simple questions to ask yourself and your partner to keep your sexual connection burning strong and ensure you commit to long-term sexual connection
- Revealing why monthly check-ins are essential for maintaining your passion and spark (even when you feel like your sex life is on fire) and why my Core Energy Model of Sexuality will empower every aspect of your life – even outside of the bedroom
Here’s What My Students Are Saying About This Course
Can You Put A Price On
Happier, More Connected, And Deeper Relationships?
There’s nothing more important than being fully in tune with the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with.
This is why I’m giving you my juiciest and most guarded relationship secrets for just $397 or $697 for couples/twosome!
This price is high enough to put off anyone who is going to buy this course and let it sit gathering dust without taking action.
The last thing I want is for people to waste their money and not actually come out of this program with a radically improved sex life.
But it’s low enough to make it affordable to those who are serious and dedicated about getting out of their sexual rut and making a long-term improvement in their intimate relationships.
Ready To Bring Sexy Back To Your Relationship?
Here’s How You Can Get Started Right Away
Access 6 Modules of relationship-saving secrets TODAY!

Check your inbox for an email from us asking you to create an account with us.

Create an account and then you’re free to access the Bringing Sexy Back material, anywhere, any time – for life.

100% 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
If for any reason you’re not 100% satisfied with Bringing Sexy Back within the first 30 days after your purchase, simply reach out to me at
Send me your request and I’ll process the refund within 48-72 hours (Monday-Friday), no questions asked!
I’ll even let you keep your bonuses as a thank-you for trying out my program and so we can part as friends.
Enroll In Bringing Sexy Back Today To Unlock These Juicy Free Bonuses:
Weekly “HomePlay” Assignments With Downloadable Guides, Designed To Build Instant Connection, Spark, And Excitement
Week 1 – Your Sexual EcoSystem Prompts
Discover the fundamental bedrock you and your partner both need to have a flourishing sex life – giving you a clear direction and joint vision of how to replenish and grow your intimacy
Week 2 – Desire Mapping Chart
Unearth the romantic and sexual desires you and your partner may have kept hidden under the surface to find a mutual ground where your relationship can develop fresh vibrancy.
Week 3 – Developing Healthier Sexual Communication
Reflecting upon your communication and exploring the barriers that limit the full expression of your sexual self, to find room for more compassion, acceptance, and cooperation in your relationship.
Week 4 – Eliminating Your Sexual Drains Checklist
Working through multiple aspects of your life – from your internal thoughts about your body and financial stress, to your past trauma – identifying which are draining your sexual energy, and how to plug the cracks.
Week 5 – Blueprint For Making Inviting Requests
Now that you know what you need to ask for and have a vision of what you want to be better in your sexual relationship, this blueprint makes requesting your desires playful, flirtatious, and highly seductive.
Week 6 – Sex Life Improvement Checklist
6 simple questions to work through alone or with your partner that ensure the work you do during this program remains a consistent part of your relationship for years and months to come.
PLUS, Get these bonuses
Erotic Authenticity Mini-Course
Discover how to get in touch with your true erotic authenticity and live in full alignment with your truest sexual expression. Through writing, meditating, and self-reflection, you will explore the wildness in yourself and create a defined vision of your own sexuality.
Tap into your inner sexual voice and start living a brighter life, full of aliveness, vitality, and yumminess!
How to be Erotically Bold: Quit Apologizing, Own Your Sexual Agency and Go for What You Want [Masterclass]
Step into your boldness, claim your sexual power, and use your sexual energy as fuel for everything you want to create. This is essential for creating a fully vibrant, liberated, authentic life. A sexually bold life.
In this masterclass, we will dig deep into what makes it hard to go for what you really want, how to get out of your own way, and what is possible as a liberated sexual being.
A Quick Recap Of Everything Included In Your Bringing Sexy Back Program:
6 Weekly Modules:
Module 1 – Tending To Your Sexual EcoSystem
Module 2 – Understanding The Dynamics Of Desire
Module 3 – Effectively Communicating Your Sexual Needs
Module 4 – Identifying Your Common Sexual Drains
Module 5 – The Art of the Ask: Getting What You Want In The Bedroom
Bonus Module – Actively Engaging & Maintaining Your Sexiness
6 Downloadable “Homeplay” Guides
Week 1 – Your Sexual EcoSystem Prompts
Week 2 – Desire Mapping Chart
Week 3 – Developing Healthier Sexual Communication
Week 4 – Eliminating Your Sexual Drains Checklist
Week 5 – Blueprint For Making Inviting Requests
Week 6 – Sex Life Improvement Checklist
- Erotic Authenticity Mini-Course
- How to be Erotically Bold Masterclass
P.S. You are moments away from putting the spice back into your sex life!
In just a few clicks, you can have access to a complete framework to address the frustrations, disappointments, and crossed wires that are eroding the passion from your relationship.
You don’t have to go through this alone anymore – there are real, practical elements in your relationship we can start working on right away.
Working through this course as a couple is absolutely going to bring you closer together…
At the very least, you will walk away with new skills to communicate and understand each other’s needs and desires better.
Best case scenario – you start having mind-blowing, soul-shaking, and deeply satisfying sex in a matter of weeks…
Not only this, but grow closer romantically, find new sexual horizons as a couple or individual, and build a new foundation for your relationship to blossom and grow for years to come.
Think of this program as your permission slip…
Permission to let go of the old sexual stories that are no longer serving you.
Permission to just explore and expand and be who you want to be with zero shame.
Permission to bring something up with your partner that feels risky.
Permission to open up the conversation to exploring other lovers, sexual roles, or activities.
Permission to just share a fantasy.
Permission to take longer in sex and not feel like you need to be in a rush.
Your new life of pleasure and fulfilment starts here.
P.P.S. Remember: you have two choices right now…
You can either radically improve the relationship with the person you love most on this planet for just $397 or $697 for couples/twosome.
Or you can close this page, and forget you ever read this letter.
Not only forget this letter, but forget all the talk you ever heard about couples who have the mind-blowing orgasms, deep loving intimacy, and exciting, energized relationship.
Nobody wants to go through life feeling a lacklustre, mundane and mediocre sex life, and never knowing what it really means to have transcendental, life-affirming sex.
Or to spend their entire marriages and relationships without ever unlocking this key part of their intimacy that has the potential to change their entire outlook on life…
Like I said before, I 100% believe that when you’re sexually attuned and empowered, every part of your life falls into place like clockwork.
That’s all I really want for you…