Vanquishing Your Inner Damsel

Jan 19, 2022 | Sexual Empowerment

Here at the eWomen Network Conference, I just wanted to take a moment to talk about the archetype of the Damsel.

The Damsel is the classic storybook fantasy of being a princess and wanting a knight in shining armor to come rescue you.

There are times that it’s great to be taken care of, but in my coaching I encourage women to not let the Damsel archetype fall into victimhood. As an empowerment coach, I want you to be able to realize your own sexual power without needing to be saved.

To me, sexual empowerment is about loving yourself and being self-reliant. No saving required. The Damsel can be useful, but never forget to embody the power only you have.

We don’t want anybody to save us, but there’s a difference between being saved and being supported.

At my Fire Woman Retreat, you are surrounded by women who will help you overcome your fears and your mindblocks around your sexuality and help you own your sexual power.

Join us in San Diego this year on September 27-29.

A’magine is a pioneer in sexual empowerment and her extensive real-world experience sparkles throughout this book. This is a delightful journey toward better, richer, more fulfilling sex, for women who want more joyful, creative, pleasurable lives.


co-founder of Cuddle Party

Hi, I’m A’magine

I’ve been a Sexual Empowerment Educator
[&] Coach for over 25 years

I’ve helped thousands of people improve their lives, boost their confidence, learn the art of asking for what they want, step into their power, learn to radically love their bodies, show up as emotionally powerful in their relationships, rock-star their mid-life with the best sex ever, and put in perspective and practice the very real and important role sexuality was meant to play in their lives
